Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I have been working so much and such long hours since I started school, that things are very much a blur.  I'll do my best to bring things up to speed.

I have, as of today, completed four lessons.  They have all gone reasonably well.  Obviously, some are better than others.  School is incredibly intense.  9AM-5:30 PM (most days 6:00).  We get an hour for lunch, but it's not really an hour when you're teaching, as you cut into that hour for lesson prep.  Our students are French adults who are currently looking for work.  They range from 22-60 years old.  They are really really nice.  Last week and this week, my group (Chris, James, Guy, Elisabeth and I) have been monitored by Marian while teaching the low level students (pre-intermediate level).  Their English is very good.  As of Monday, we will switch to the high level students and Bror will observe us.

The group of us teachers, as a whole have become close.  It's a bit like summer camp, in that we're together so much and we've bonded.  It's proving to be a great support system for us all.

I'm teaching again tomorrow.  I get to compare the American English words for clothing to the British English words for clothing.  It should be fun.

Other than that, things have been well.  Last weekend was fun.  Lots of work to do over the weekend, but some play too!  Went to dinner with some people from class on Friday.  I went out this past Saturday for a fun (& rainy) day with a classmate's sister, Kath (my new BFF).  We did a walking tour around Notre Dame, did some shopping, and ate some awesome croque monsieurs (elegant grilled cheese and ham sandwiches).  On Sunday, James, Kath, Guy & I had a traditional English Sunday Roast at an English-style pub.  It was quite nice.  I'll include my pictures below.

Friday dinner: Chez Paul in Bastille
Steak and potatoes with Hollandaise sauce
Kath, my new BFF, and me
Awesome tarts from LeGay Choc (across the street from my apartment)
Notre Dame (Saturday)
Artists peddle wares by the Seine and Notre Dame
Notre Dame
Traditional Sunday Roast, English style. 

Things have been a bit intense to keep up with the blog every day.  I knew it would be a challenge.  On the whole, I'm very well, very tired, and very busy.  I've met wonderful people, and am having a blast.

Time to get some dinner and get to work.

xo, aKiP

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