Saturday, August 21, 2010

St. Michel/St. Germaine

Samantha called me tonight and asked me to come out with her for a drink before we met up with Tressa.  We met at Le Fountaine de Saint Michel and went to the café by the fountain.
The fountain
So, Samantha gave me "her version" of the history of the Latin Quarter and areas of St. Germaine des Prés and St. Michel.  It was so much fun.  Then we met up with Tressa, and Ludo joined us too.  We went to a bar called The Gentleman and had one drink and I left.  I have to be up early tomorrow!  But, it was fun.

On my way home from the Metro, I stopped at McDonald's.  I didn't like what I ordered that much.  It's very different.  I got a "Double Cheeseburger" but it was rotten.  If I go back, I'll get Le 280.  It looks kinda like a Quarter Pounder.
Au Macdo

1 comment:

  1. Karen, can we have pictures of your apartment and apartment building please?
