Thursday, August 19, 2010

Night out and about

Once I checked in, I came right to the room and passssssed out!  I talked to Mike and Mom on video chat, which was really cool.  I slept from 3:30 until 8:45, and then went out to get something to eat.  I walked to "the big road" as directed by the man at the front desk.  I stopped at a supermarket and got some chocolate-covered digestives and potato chips (What can I say?  I'm a gourmand.).  I had a French woman ask me (in perfect English) where I got my shoes, and I had to disappoint her and tell her in the US.  The people here have so far all been incredibly nice and warm to me.

Then I continued walking and had a lovely, elegant "vegetarian" sandwich with roasted eggplant and zucchini, goat cheese medallions and pesto with salad and french fries at a café called Au Roi du Café.  The total was 8Euros 75.  My waiter's name was Julien.  I love that name.  He was very "French" looking (meaning skinny and dressed Europeanly) He spoke in English to me, brought me ketchup (I must look REALLY American), and he even took a picture of me.  He was so kind.  

I walked across the street to a Boulangerie/Patisserie and got a donut.  The man there was asking me all kinds of questions in French....he didn't speak any English.  In the end, I determined that he was asking me if I'm on vacation, if I'm staying at a hotel nearby, and if I am traveling with someone, or alone.  I did my best to answer in pathetic French and took my donut and went merrily on my way.  

I, then, proceeded to be accosted by a Spanish man named Phillipe.  He was all over me...kissing me and hugging me and told me "I love you, my baby" several times.  It was quite the interesting encounter.  I wasn't scared; he was more funny than scary.  I dropped him off at the train station and came back to the hotel.  

Had a chat with Kyle and Mom and Mike and I'm off to bed.  Going to Transfer tomorrow to meet Ms. Casey.  So excited.  

xo, aKiP

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