Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I'm sorry I have neglected to write much over the last few days.  As I suspected, there's a lot going on with classes, and I have a lot of work to do when I get home from class.  My days are very long, and very intense.  Up at 7, Metro by 8:15, class from 9-5:30, home for homework at 7ish and many times not home until even later.  Then homework until 11:30 or 12.

It looks like I teach every other day, sometimes 2 days in a row.  I have two lessons under my belt.  The first one was good, but the feedback was that I repeated what the students said too much.  My lesson today was "lovely" and Marian had little negative to say about it.  Today was the first day that my classmates gave me feedback, and they were very supportive as well.

I teach again on Friday.  I'm petrified as it's grammar, and I'm quickly learning that although my grammar is good, my ability to explain why it is good is quite limited.  I'll be up late planning and teaching myself tomorrow night, so I can teach them on Friday.  So, I'm giving myself off tonight and crashing early.

I'm so tired tonight, I'm off to bed now.  I'll update better over the weekend, if not before.

xo, aKiP

1 comment:

  1. talk to me about what "grammar" you have to teach; I CAN help you, you know!!
