Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Arrival at hotel!

I've made it safely to my hotel in the 18th Arrondissement.  The hotel is small and old (like most of Paris), but very charming and pretty (also, like most of Paris).  I had a lively conversation (in English) with my cab driver, and the fare (with tip) was 35 Euros.  I'm pretty happy with that.  I'll be moving on Friday to "my" apartment.  

I can't check in until 2:00.  It's only 11 now.  The woman working at the front desk is holding my luggage for me.  I'm going to hang here in the lobby for a while, and then go crash!  There's a little restaurant/deli/convenience store across the street that I may pop in to for a bite.  Surprisingly, I'm not as tired as I thought I'd be.  

I emailed my family to let them know I got in safely.  Then I emailed Ms. Casey from the school to make arrangements to visit tomorrow.  She suggested it long ago, and I think it's a great idea.  It will help to calm my nerves about going on Monday if I already have some sense of familiarity.  

I'm going to load some pictures and stuff on here, and I am starting to feel a little more I may head out for a bit.  More later.

xo, aKiP

1 comment:

  1. Hey Karen! I'm so sorry I never replied to your lovely FB message, I have no excuses really :( Have an amazing time in Paris...! I can't believe you're over here when I go to the states - hopefully we can catch each other next time. Stay safe and have lots and lots of fun x Andrea xxxx
