Friday, August 20, 2010

Move-in day

It was warmer here today than it has been--84 degrees--and it was just beautiful out today.  I moved in to my apartment at 12:30 this afternoon.  The woman at the hotel called a cab for me.  The cab that came was a silver mercedes with a black leather interior.  It was very "posh."  

My land-lady met me at the curb when I arrived and was on her way again within 10 minutes.  She showed me the apartment in a whirlwind...her tour was rushed because she had to go to let someone else in somewhere else after me.  First, she explained how to open the large front door to the building, then the door to the stairwell and then the door to my apartment.  So needless to say, it's quite safe here.  I am not in a garden-level apartment, I'm on the first floor.  In Paris, the "first floor" apartments are up one flight of steps.  Which, although not what I expected, is actually a good thing for me.  She helped me get my bags up the one flight of stairs (thank goodness it wasn't another flight we would have gotten a hernia!) and then she gave me the brief tour.  

I texted the guy I met last night at the American meet up who invited me to lunch, Ahmir.  I told him I was just getting done moving in and asked if I was too late to join them.  I met them at a place in Le Marais called Breakfast in America.  It's an American "diner" and one of the only places you can get "real" American food here.  They serve Dr. Pepper and Root Beer here can't buy those sodas here.  So, I met a girl, Betsy, who teaches here, and has been doing so for the last 3 years.  And I got to know a girl, Emily, better who I met briefly last night.  We had a lovely conversation over a nice American lunch.  It was great.  I've gotten Betsy's information so that I can pick her brain as necessary.

Hôtel de Ville
After lunch, we said goodbye to Betsy and as we walked around Le Marais, and Emily and Ahmir helped me get my bearings.  They showed me the magnificent Hôtel de Ville, and my, what a sight that is.  It's funny because they are both so used to it and I was totally awe-struck.  Then Emily went to visit some puppies and plant shops on the way home, and I showed Ahmir my apartment this afternoon.  He said it was one of the nicest apartments he's seen here.  That made me feel good.  And he went through and checked off things that he liked.  I thanked him a million times as it made me feel really good about my choice to stay here.

I went grocery shopping, and hit up the pharmacy for some bandaids.  I also stopped and got some lilies--my friend Jessica back home told me they're the only thing that's missing from my apartment--and came back here.   The jet-lag is really hitting me hard today.  I'm going out for one drink with Samantha and Tressa and then coming to hit the hay.  

I have a tour of champagne tomorrow.  They pick me up at 7:00 AM.  Oy.  

Goodnight! xo, aKiP

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