Sunday, September 26, 2010

Enter the Notre Dame de Paris.

I toured Notre Dame de Paris on Wednesday.  (I've been attempting in vain to get a job, which has delayed my posting this.)  The weather here was beautiful this past week, and it was so lovely to walk to Notre Dame from my apartment.  I live very close to it (about 7 minute walk).  It's free admission, and on Wednesdays at 2:00, there's a free tour in English.  I caught the tour, and it provided a wealth of information about this amazing church.

Construction of the Notre Dame de Paris began in 1163 and it was finally complete in 1330.

There are three doors that lead into the Notre Dame from the west facade (as is typical of Gothic cathedrals).  The tour guide provided some details about each entrance.  I'll start with the portal on the right (the earliest built) and then move on in chronological order.

The Portal of St. Anne (Right Portal) 
This portal was put in around 1200. 

Here you see Mary seated on a throne, adorned with a crown and sceptre.  Jesus (as a child) is seated on her lap and is holding a book, which shows that even as a babe, Jesus is above all others.  They are blessing those who enter.  

The Portal of The Virgin (Left Portal)
This portal was installed second, around 1220.  This portal depicts Mary's death and ascension into heaven, and goes a step further to show her coronation as the Queen of Heaven.

This part depicts the death of Mary.  Before Mary died, she called for all of the disciples to come to her.  So, you can see all 12 of them (4 seated).  The disciples are so saddened by the death of Mary that they don't notice that Jesus has come among them to bless his mother.  Jesus is the middle figure with a hand raised in blessing.  The two angels surrounding Mary's deathbed are taking her to heaven.     
Here you see Jesus and Mary in Heaven.  Mary is being coronated as the Queen.  Jesus wears a crown, and is handing his mother a scepter.  Mary has a crown placed on her head by an angel.    
In this section of the portal, men are recording the happenings of Mary's death.  On the left are scholars and on the right are kings.  In the center, the box with circles on the front is the Ark of the Covenant, which is said to contain the mysteries of Christianity and Judaism, and represents God's promise to his people.  Mary is often referred to as "The Ark of the Covenant" because she bore Jesus, who fulfilled God's promise to Save us.   
Just under the scholars and kings is Mary with a crown and scepter, holding baby Jesus who is blessing those who enter.  It's in the center of the two doors of this portal.

To the left of this portal, I found my old friend, St. Denis.  (He's the one holding his head.)  He's got angels on either side of him, and on the far left is Emperor Constantine.

The Portal of The Last Judgement (Center Portal)
This portal was installed last, around 1230.  This portal depicts St. Matthew's description of the Last Judgement.  

This section of the portal (just above the door) shows the souls of the dead being called out of their tombs.

Just above that, you see the Archangel Michael with a scale.  He's weighing the souls according to their earthly lives.  The chosen ones are being led by the angel to heaven to the left (the right hand of Jesus), and those who are not chosen are chained together, being led to hell by the devil.

The two photos below depict the torture of those in hell.  

 This section of the portal shows Jesus seated on a Throne.  His outstretched hands show his wounds, and the angels around him are holding the instruments used to torture him (spear, nails of the cross, and the cross itself.) Next to the angels are Mary (left) and St. John the Baptist (right).

This is one of the doors of the portal.  If you look to the left of the door itself (decorated with black metal), you'll see 3 and a half women.  
These women are virgins, who have lived good lives.  If you look to the top, you'll see the door of heaven open to them.  (I didn't get a photo, but the other side has virgins who did not live good lives, and the door of heaven is closed.)  

xo, aKiP

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