Friday, October 1, 2010


So, I have officially decided that I am not coming home.  I have postponed my return flight indefinitely.  I have made arrangements to be home for Thanksgiving and my cousin Kourtney's wedding (11/27).  When I return to Paris, I will renew my tourist "Visa" (just a stamp in my passport) for another three months.   Other than that, I'm not sure when I'll be back.  The plan is to stay in Paris for as long as I can.

My agreement for housing was up as of September 30, so I had to vacate the apartment on Thursday.  I was fortunate to find another place to stay quickly, and moved in here Wednesday night.  I spent my last night in Le Marais (3rd Arrondissement) cleaning and saying goodbye.  It was a little sad, but I was excited for another leg of my adventure to begin.

So, now I'm living in the 16th Arrondissement.  It's primarily residential, and it happens to be ritzy.  Le Marais, where I moved from, is quite centrally located, and therefore it was always buzzing with activity and people.  The 16th is a very different feel, as it's quiet and reserved here.  It's a nice change.

Where I live now, I am 2 metro stops away from the Eiffel Tower.

xo, aKiP

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