Tuesday, October 12, 2010

French classes

So, I went to a French language school yesterday to try to sign up for classes to improve.  I had to take written test, and then I had to speak some to one of the registrars.  It was quite intimidating.  It didn't help that the lady I dealt with was not particularly nice.  The courses are full for now, so I have to go back in November to register for classes in January.

Everything is going well.  I have booked my flights for my brief visit home, and I will be home from November 20-30.  I'd love to plan a little gathering so I can see everyone I want to see before I have to head back!  

Was down for the count last Monday with strep throat.  I had to go to the doctor, and after finishing 6 days of anti-biotics, I felt better....but still not 100%.  I took a trip to the pharmacy today to get some Sudafed to hopefully dry up some residual yucky congestion and yucky stuff.

I had to spend a whopping $5.00 on more storage for my blogs/email/picasa albums.  I was over the limit, and it wouldn't allow me to add any more photos to 365,000 Words.  So, that's now up-to-date as well.  

Off to bed...early day tomorrow and it's already really late here!  

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