Monday, September 20, 2010

Upppppppdates galore!!

There's so much to share!!  

I finished my course on Friday.  It was so nice to "graduate!"  :)  All of us passed the course.  I think everyone was really relieved to have finished the course successfully.  As soon as we'd all finished, we talked about how in retrospect, it seemed as if we'd stressed too much... considering we made it out alive.  It was a great day for all of us.

Our class with tutors Marian and Bror
The Gents: Stuart, David, Guy, Chris, Tyler and James
The Ladies: Elisabeth, Carolyn, Maria, me, Susan
It was really hard to say goodbye to our students.  They were so lovely, and they really did learn a lot.  We exchanged emails and phone numbers, and I hope to keep in touch.  I know I'll be keeping in touch with Isabelle and Patrice.  We have plans to go out later on this week!  :)  Isabelle has been so incredibly kind to me, and I am so fond of her.  Patrice is the man I tutored last weekend.  (His job interview went well.  The lady who interviewed him--headhunter--did tell him that he needs to continue to improve his English, however.)

Patrice, me and Isabelle
On Friday night, we all went out to celebrate.  Not everyone could come, but we had a good turnout.  In addition to my classmates, I got to see Samantha and Tressa!!  Stuart has become good friends with Samantha, and they enjoy spending time together.  They both looked well.  Tressa was let go from her job as a nanny, so she's looking for a new job.

I slept until 2:10 PM on Saturday.  My body needed the rest.  It's quite possible that without that sleep, I would be getting sick-sick in the near future.  Even though I'm happy and no longer stressing, I can feel my body getting a little worn-down.   I met up with Elisabeth on Saturday night to see a one-man show called How to Become Parisian in One Hour.  NY Times Article about it.  We loved it.  It was absolutely hilarious.  I was attempting to volunteer Elisabeth to go on stage and it backfired.  He pulled me up on stage and had to dance like a "Parisian woman" in a discotheque.  It was hilarious.  His instructions were to "sway your hips from side to side in a sensual way (he corrected me for being too sexual), open your mouth like a chicken does just before she lays an egg, and every three seconds look over your shoulder and smile at a man you find attractive."  I danced with him to Brittany Spears.  It was ridiculous!  After that, Elisabeth and I went Alexandre around the corner from my house and had cheese fondue with bread and potatoes.  It was awesome.  Then she came back to my place for dessert (berries & cream), and I crashed when she left.

I cleaned my apartment today.  It was in desperate need of cleaning.  Then, I went to the Jardin du Luxembourg.  It was beautiful.

When I got home, I had an email asking me to come in to an elementary school about 45 minutes outside of Paris for an interview.  I'll either go to interview on Thursday or Friday.  This position would be teaching Physical Education for 15 hours a week and English for 10 hours a week.  I'd also have 10 hours of supervision etc.  SO excited.

xo, aKiP

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