Tuesday, September 21, 2010

CVs, Jobs and the Statue of Liberty

I visited two bilingual (French/English) schools in Paris to hand-deliver my CV.  (Here in Europe, when applying for a job, you provide a CV or a Curriculum Vitae, not a resume.  Résumé means summary in French, and it's not accurate for a CV!)  On my way, I saw the Eiffel Tower and one of the Lady Liberty's!  I think I was on the Pont (Bridge) de Grenelle.

On the job front,
I have been invited for a job interview on Thursday at 3:30 PM (9:30 AM on NJ time).  It's outside of Paris near Disneyland Paris.  It's an International School.  

See all of the Statues of Liberty (Wikipedia)

xo, aKiP

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck with the interview - however, I think you should forget teaching and become a photographer
