Monday, September 6, 2010

New group

Going to give a quick update before I crash.  I told myself I'd go to bed early tonight, and  here it is 11:45, and I'm still up.  I observed the new group today (the higher level).  They're more serious, and take themselves more seriously.  For the most part, they are older.  At the end of the lesson we got to talk to each of the 9 of them.  One man made his feelings about me being an American (who doesn't speak much French) clear to me...he actually asked me if I know anything about Europe, and "Did I (imply even) go to university?!" When I told him I am a certified teacher with four years teaching experience, he seemed to shut up.

I teach my first lesson to this group tomorrow for only 20 minutes.  It shouldn't be too bad.  It's insane that for a 20 minute lesson the paperwork and preparation took me 4 hours.  I feel like I'm back in my first year of teaching!  Nutso!!  There's a lot of paperwork that we have to fill out and keep on file for the accessor from Cambridge (who comes next week--ACK!) to review.

So, the metro workers are on strike.  Apparently this happens frequently here, and it doesn't seem to bother anyone.  It's just accepted.  This, I'm learning, seems to be the French way (with most things).  Line 14 of the Metro is run by a computer, and so it will be on schedule.  It's about a 10 minute walk from my apartment, so my day will start earlier than usual tomorrow.

It's raining chats et chiens (cats and dogs) here.  Pouring buckets out there.  It's relaxing to listen to it out the window.  I hope the sky wraps up its monsoon before I have to walk for 10 minutes tomorrow morning.  But if not, I'll adopt my newly-learned French attitude, and make use of my umbrella.  :)

xo, aKiP

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