Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

My New Year's resolution for 2010 was to do a Photo Blog (365,000 Words Blog).  I, unfortunately, failed that as of November 4, 2010.  I made it most of the way there, and then failed.  Big disappointment.  I think it happened for 2 reasons, really.  First, I think I got settled in to my "normal, day-to-day" here in Paris, and I stopped keeping up with the pictures.  Secondly, as I said on 12/16, as John Mayer says in 3x5, "I finally overcame trying to put the world inside a picture frame."  I just LIVED it, and tried to "live in the moment"--a true area of weakness for me, and I didn't take as many pictures with my camera as I did with my mind.  

So with my resolutions this year, I hope to make up for my shortcoming (read failure) last year.  (And hopefully by writing them down here, I will be more motivated to see them through!)

Resolutions 2011 

  • Start to learn/improve French
  • Keep up with aKiP Blog better (Fine print: at least one post per week)
  • Piece together 365,000 words to "finish 2010" if possible
  • Be more adventurous...try new things
  • Keep in better contact with friends and family
  • Be more positive
  • Take dance classes/lessons
  • Take advantage of my current location and TRAVEL more
  • Live in the moment as much as possible
  • Sort through my spirituality issues
  • Read more books
  • Experience more of the arts: More museums, ballets, operas, and music, etc. 
That's the list, folks!  Here's hoping I can get all that done.  


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