Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bye bye, Val d'Isère

Today marks the wrapping up of the 9 days I've been in Val d'Isère.  It's a really beautiful place.  I spent Christmas here and New Year's Eve/Day here as well.   It feels like I have been here for years.  That's not a complaint; just merely an observation.  It's such a different lifestyle than Paris.  It's so....white here.  :)

Last night, I had a really nice NYE celebration with the family and a couple that are close to them.  It was cool.  Sophie is Belgian and Nekil is Indian, and they live in London.  It was really nice to spend time with them--they're a fun couple.

There are lots of English people here.  It's been really neat to hear "my" language being spoken all over the place this week.

The strange thing is how unreal it all feels.  It hasn't yet hit me that it's 2011...or that Christmas is over....and that I have to wait another whole year to truly celebrate it.  It's a strange, surreal feeling that I'm here and this time has passed.

Can't say it's unpleasant, because it's not.  At all.  I'm perfectly content.  The experience is just rather dream-like at the moment.  (I'll take that, mind you, over being homesick and/or unhappy.)  

I take the 5:30 bus to the 7:00 train and I'll arrive in Paris at midnight tonight.  I'll post pictures once I return home.  Happy New Year's Day!


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