Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It's not easy eating greens!

As my time here goes on, I am missing green veggies.  

I can't speak universally for French people on this, but only within my family unit.  We need to eat more GREEN vegetables at mealtimes.  I'm missing them and all their vitamins and goodnesses.

We eat a lot of potatoes, shredded carrots, pasta, tomatoes, cucumber, and salad.  Ok, so lettuce is green, but I'm not including that in my gripe about lack of veggies.  When we do eat veggies, I feel like there are not enough of them in comparison to the other foods on the plate.  

We had asparagus the other day, and the girls only ate the tips!  The rest was going to go to waste!!!  It's my favorite veggie, asparagus, so I ate some, and made the girls finish the rest.  I cut the bottoms off before cooking them, so they weren't at all stalky.  

Yes, portions are smaller here.  In general, they eat a lot LESS.  But, I don't want that to apply to my vegetable intake while here.  If anything, I want that to become MORE!!

I miss broccoli, and green beans, and limas, and cooked spinach, and all those yummy veggies that used to take up at least 1/3 of my plate.

Sigh.  (I have it so rough, don't I?  HA!)

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