Saturday, November 13, 2010


I got a job to tutor 2 children on Wednesday mornings.  I'll teach them songs in English as well as basics like simple sentence structure and vocabulary.  Looking forward to it.  

Speaking of things I'm really looking forward to, I am heading home a week from today.  I will be busy with something every single day I'm home.  So much to do, so many people to see, so little time there.

Today, I went to Galleries Lafayette Gourmet grocery store to stock up on goodies to bring back to NJ with me.  It was a fruitful trip. 

Christmas lights are popping up everywhere.  GL had amazing Christmas (Nöel) window displays up already.  It's nice and everything, but I'm not ready to conquer Christmas until post-Thanksgiving.

So, everything is good here.   Settling in and feeling more and more comfortable with the family each day.  At home babysitting tonight.  Gonna finish watching the movie the girls had on, Mamma Mia, because it's actually in English (a language that I FULLY understand).


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