Friday, November 5, 2010

Ahhhhh, Pareeeee.

Back in Paris now.  We got back around 10:45 on Tuesday night.  Left at 6 on the dot, and made a stop for dinner at a rest stop.  We actually ate inside a Shell (the same gas station we have in the US) rest stop.  Can't say it was good, but it did the trick.  The drive was about 4 hours long.  Amazingly, no one fell asleep in the car.

Wednesday was fun.  The older girls and I had lunch together while the baby napped and then we went to the Museum of Dolls in the third arrondissement here in Paris.  They loved it.  We also visited a park dedicated to Anne Frank, and my favorite bakery in the third.  (The one I used to frequent!)   Museum website (in English)  The girls each bought a porcelain doll.  They picked very pretty dolls.

Yesterday morning, Laure left for NYC.  Clement is running in the NY Marathon, God bless him!  It's this Sunday.  Seems like they'll have good weather for it.  He's been training really hard for it.

I got my CELTA certification and final evaluation in the mail.  I got a Pass B.  I'm happy with that!!  (You can get a Fail, Pass, Pass B or Pass A.  Something like 5% of all students taking CELTA in the world get a Pass A.  Most get a Pass.)

So, I'm alone with the girls this weekend.  I could get used to being a full-time, stay-at-home Mom, I think. I think I'm pretty good at it.  Both yesterday and today went smoothly.  I was tired yesterday, but today I was fine.  The girls are so good and Ines has been so pleasant.  Everything is going well.  (I hope I'm not jinxing it by saying that!!)

There's a raucous party going on next door tonight.  They're playing jazz and blues live in the house next door.  It's something I'd really appreciate if I lived'd be so cool.  But, when you've got 3 little girls in bed at 11 PM, it's not so cool!


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