Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Duck duck first and last...GOOSE!

I had foie gras for the first time today.  As I was eating it, I learned that my ability to eat it was as a result of some awfulness that was done to a goose.  

From wikipedia:
"Animal rights and welfare groups such as PETA,[69] Viva!,[70] and the Humane Society of the United States[71] contend that foie gras production methods, and force feeding in particular, constitute cruel and inhumane treatment of animals. Specific complaints include livers swollen to many times their normal size, impaired liver function, expansion of the abdomen making it difficult for birds to breathe, death if the force feeding is continued, and scarring of the esophagus. PETA claims that the insertion and removal of the feeding tube scratch the throat and the esophagus, causing irritations and wounds and thus exposing the animal to risk of mortal infections."

That being read, that will be my last foie gras.

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