Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy New Year from Val d'Isere!

aKiP (or aKiVd'I right now)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

I've made it safe and sound to Val d'Isere!  It's really lovely here.  I got some time off tonight to talk to my family online.  It was really great to see them.

It's in the 20s here and has been steadily snowing.  It's surprisingly pleasant though, even for me!

The older two girls came down with the same stomach bug that I had.  The grandmother was the first one we know to have it, and the trend has continued.  :(  We're just praying that the baby doesn't get it.  Especially me, as I am in the same room as her... oy.

Alright, well, sorry so short, but I am going to the grocery store if possible and then back to the flat for the night.  Merry Christmas everyone!  

Lots of love and bisous.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eeeeeeeeve

So, in the end, I didn’t go to Val d’Isere early Wednesday morning.  I spent most of early Wednesday morning either on or hugging the toilet.  No fun. 

I did not leave the couch all day Wednesday.  Other than for bathroom visits, a stop in the kitchen to make some cherry Jell-o, I did nothing but sleep all day.  I really needed it.  My entire body ached in that way that even your hair hurts.  I woke up at 10 PM, went back to my bedroom, and was asleep for the night as of 11:30. 

Thursday, I rested mostly, but I braved the outside world and went to the SNCF ticket office to get my new train ticket—for Friday morning—and hit the grocery store for some rice and soup. 

This Christmas season has been difficult.  I have not felt at all in the Christmas spirit.  It’s all so foreign, and different, and that’s surprisingly not easy.

I keep thinking of “I’ll be home for Christmas” and while the “if only in my dreams” part is applicable to me, it’s for the birds.

So, it’s Christmas Eve, and I’m en route to Val d’Isere now.  I still have 2 hours before my arrival.  I slept at the start of my trip, as I am still pretty wiped, and I was up at 6 this morning.  I looked at some pictures of the area online last night, and that was cool.  I’m still not exactly sure what to expect, but whatever awaits me, I am happy to reunite with the family and see the girls.  They still have gifts from me to open!  That will be fun.  And, they’re not my family, but they’re the next best thing.  

Merry Christmas Eve!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

I'm off first thing tomorrow morning to the French Alps.  I'll be in Val d'Isere with the family.  They have a flat there that they use for skiing trips a few times per year.  I will be sleeping in the same room as the baby, and will therefore be up very early!  Whooo hoo!  Snow and early mornings are some of my favorite things....

I will be without internet there, so that means no photos or updates of any kind until I return on January 2.  I will sneak out to an internet cafĂ© on Christmas day to call my family.  

I hope everyone has a wonderul Christmas!  2010 was a good one...let's see what amazingness awaits us in 2011!  

A little silliness: My Christmas "Movie"


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hazy, yet crystal clear. Part 2: Paris.

When I came to Paris, I was blinded by the city.  I was blinded by both what I brought to the experience as well as what Paris had to offer me.  I just fell so in love with all of it.  I was accepting; it was just one amazing reality to accept after another.  From the Notre Dame, to the way the Parisians don't move out of the way when you have no where to go on the sidewalk, I just accepted it.  Face value.  It is what it is.  I was a tourist at first, and I wanted to experience and love every moment of my visit here.  

Upon my return to Paris, as a new resident, I realized how much I have started to know/understand the culture.  (I actually, for a brief time, got a little annoyed with people and these known oddities upon my return.  And then it became, "Oh, those Parisians."  [Important footnote: My temporary annoyance was not helped by jet-lag.])   In the end, I see I can now separate what I know/think about the culture into categories: those that I am fond of because I genuinely like them, and those that I am fond of because they are so foreign/strange/inefficient or FRENCH.  I am sure that over my time here, the list will grow, and I will continue to categorize.

I am reading a book called Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay.  It's about the occupation of France in July-August of 1942, and a modern woman looking to uncover details about that dark time's events.  At one point, the French husband attacks the American wife for things she's probably noted/complained about in the past.  "We know what [you (the American)] think of our schools, our hospitals, our endless strikes, our long vacations, our plumbing systems, our postal service, our TV, our politics, our dogshit on the sidewalks."  I personally understood with each one of these items in a personal way.  The way that only someone who's lived there can understand them.  What's the most interesting is that I could see and identify with both her perspective and his disgust with her judgment.

Don't misinterpret, my desire to be here and my wanderlust remain fully in tact.  I just think I approached my return a little differently this time.  I think it's fair to say that I may have a deeper understanding of Paris for what it is, and under the shininess of it all, and I can see the "true Paris" in all its naked, bureaucratic, unglamorous glory.  And yet, I still am completely enthralled and in love with it.  

I now have a better perspective and acceptance of things, and they inform and influence my life here.  I wonder if my acceptance will ever fully switch over to annoyance at some point.  Over time, will I get "fed up?"  Doubtful, but not impossible.  In any event, the point is:  I may be a bit more "used to" the city, but the honeymoon is nowhere near over.

I feel more grounded post-trip home.  I returned with a feeling of security in knowing who I am and what I value.  It's just a feeling of knowing my place in the world, and freeing myself to be able to fully experience whatever Paris has to offer.  I see more clearly than before that I am traveling with an anchor of knowledge that I will go back home at some point, but I am going to have a hell of a good time now.  I am just going to continue to be in the moment and experience this journey that I have allowed myself.  As John Mayer says in 3x5s, "I finally overcame trying to put the world inside a picture frame."  I just LIVED it, and I think that's how I am getting the most out of my experience.

My soul sings here.  I have done something entirely for myself.  It has worked out for me so far.  I have done it as just one little person in a great, big world of opportunity.  I see how incredibly blessed I am.  This is truly a gift from God, and a once in a lifetime opportunity.  

Today, I'm taking away from my experience that...

I am truly blessed.  Not only is there a God, but he's on my side, cheering me on.

You need not live your life for others before having first lived it for yourself.  It's not about making others happy (although that is part of it), it's about making yourself happy.  

Life is not about seeing what happens, but, instead taking control and MAKING things happen.  

I believe that once you have your grounding and you truly know yourself (via whatever process or length of time it takes you to acquire that end), only THEN you are free to allow yourself to find true happiness.


Hazy, yet crystal clear. Part 1: USA.

It's been ages since I've posted on my blog.  And, yes, I know.  It's high time that I fixed that.

After four eventful months in Paris, I went home for ten days.  I left the house at 6:30 AM (1:30 AM EST) on Saturday, November 20.  After a five-hour layover in Dublin, I safely landed at JFK at 6:15 EST (12:15 Paris time).  The customs/border control process was surprisingly painless.  I even got flirted with by the man checking my passport.  Which I briefly wore as a badge of honor, as I thought it was not too bad after having spent 18 hours traveling!  At the end of the journey, Mike awaited me in an immense crowd of people with a huge smile and a single, beautiful, red rose.  It was a lovely homecoming.  

The time home was eventful to say the least.

Saturday night: I got to see Mike's place, all set up and decorated.  He got new furniture and really did a nice job outfitting the "pad."  Then we went to a lovely dinner, and I collapsed around 12:30 AM.

Sunday 11/21: I was up early and showered.  I opened the packages I'd sent to Mike's and decided what I was keeping and what was going back.  I made coffee too.  It'd been a long time since I'd done that.  Mike and I met my mom and went shopping.  Then we went to an awesome dinner at Aikou in Morristown.  Lastly, we went to Mike's office and worked on my cousin's wedding program.  I collapsed again that night (and each night bed sound asleep by 11:30 and wide awake between 6 and 7 EVERY morning.)

Monday 11/22: Mike and I went into NYC for my noon appointment at the French Consulate.  We took the train and then a cab and Mike got us right to where we needed to go.  I applied for my visa (after a few small hiccups).  After that, we dropped the visa pick-up paperwork off to Susan (the owner of the au pair agency), so she could pick up my visa on my behalf on Friday.  Then we hit the famous Butter Lane cupcakes before leaving the city.  Mike drove me to South Jersey on Monday night.  We stopped at Kinko's, dropped off the wedding program to be printed, and then went my parents' house.  Bed.

Going, going...


Tuesday 11/23: Errands in AM.  Visit with Debbie Silverstone and 2 of her 3 lovely children.  Then a visit to see my bestest friend, Jim, and then off with him to see my favorite girl, Ella Sophia, and meet the new-ish arrival Olivia (Jim's neices).  Then cheesesteaks in Manayunk and back to Jersey.  Bed.

Debbie with twins Alec and Emma and me

Me with Ella and Olivia!

Wednesday 11/24: hair color/eyebrow wax/manicure and pedicure appointments from 10:00-2ish.  Kourtney's wedding dress rehearsal from 3:00-6, and then rehearsal dinner.  Bed.
The female cousins surrounding
bride-to-be, Kourtney!

Thursday 11/25: Turkey bird day!  Snow in AM.  Played outside with ella for a while.  Then Dinner at Aunt Anne & George's.  Got to see Heather who is due any day and Patrick.  Everyone looked well.  :)  Bed.

Dad, Mom, Heather and Pat

With "the folks"
Friday 11/26: Black Friday.  Visit with the Hurly kids.  The four of them have gotten so big.  Brought them goodies from France.  Then, ran errands with my mom.  Went to the Verizon store to look at new phones for my dad.  Then, Mike came down and we went to BJ's and got food/wine/supplies for the open house on Sunday.  Then rehearsal with Vince for the wedding.  Friendly's for dinner.  Bed.

Saturday 11/27: Haircut at 10.  My mom's best friend, Gwen, did my make up at 10:45.  Then off to the wedding location to set up and get ready for the big day!  I sang at Kourtney's wedding.  The wedding was lovely.  Kourtney was stunning, Joe was so handsome, and the ceremony was really inviting and enjoyable.  

Joe and Kourtney the Groom and Bride, and my cousins!

My singing went very well.  I was relatively pleased with my performance.  I had one little bobble, but it was good overall.  What surprised me the most about the singing experience was the reaction from my family.  First, the groom pulled me aside.  He told me that when he came in the building, he could hear me singing and he thought it was a recording.  Then he thanked me for singing, and said he felt lucky to have us sing at his wedding.  He's a gem, that Joe.  At the reception, my cousin, Jamie, told me he'd never heard me sing before.  I rebuked him at first because of course he must have...I've been singing since third grade!  But, in the end, no.  He was right.  He asked me to sing at his wedding if he gets married.  My Uncle Mike thanked me for singing and for "the entertainment" three separate times during the reception.   Jennifer, the groom's mother told me that my voice is so pretty I should go on American Idol.  My Aunt Kathy complimented me as well.  As always, the Ave Maria was her favorite.  My Uncle Tony told me, yet again, that "I've got the goods" and thanked me for my time and effort for Kourtney's wedding.  At the end of the night, Joe pulled me aside again.  He told me that he feels so fortunate to love what he does everyday ("bossing little kids around").  And he told me that with a gift like my voice, if I enjoy it, I should use it professionally.  That was so nice.  It was just such a positive all around.  I got to help my cousin by organizing all of the music and musicians and doing the program which felt SO good.  I was so honored to be a part of it.

K&J's ceremony

Sunday 11/28: Open house.  Fantastic experience!  So good to see everyone, but I need to work on my party-flitting skills.  I didn't circulate anywhere near enough.  Bed.
With my girls: Jen, Tracey and Rileigh

With the CHETAs (Cherry Hill East Theater Alumni)

Monday 11/29: Packing.  Dinner with Tracey, Rileigh, Adam, Mike and Jen.  Target to buy a new suitcase...stayed until 10:30.  More packing.  Bed (way before packing was anywhere near done).  

Tuesday 11/30: Packing all darn day.  Cancelled lunch plans to pack.  Primo sub for lunch, compliments of Dad.  Weighed bags at UPS store to make sure they weren't over the alloted weight.  Airport at 3:30 for my 6:30 flight.  Again, painless from soup to nuts.  Arrived back in Paris on 12/1 at 8:15 AM (2:30 AM).  

It was so busy that it was surreal.  It was almost as if I was in a haze and not completely aware that I was actually there and not just dreaming.  Kinda foggy, as if it was a dream.  As I was sitting in the airport on the way home, it hit me that I was in the United States.  It's hard to explain.  Needless to say, next time I'm home for a visit, I hope it's for longer than 10 days and I will ensure that it is relaxing.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Thanks for the birthday love

I made it back to Paris without any problems.  Safe and sound back at the house in Paris.  All is well.  Thanks for the love on my birthday too!  
