Monday, March 28, 2011

Shifting gears

Hello all...

Just a quick word to say that I am in the process of switching over my blog to Wordpress.

The new blog can be found at:


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Janvier Reminiscing...

It's been 10,000 years since I have last blogged.  It's a shame that I set it as a goal for 2011 and I have failed  thus far.  I'm not going to waste time and/or energy making further promises or odes that I will get better.  
We'll just see how it goes.

There's tons to I'm just going to dig in and do my best here.

January 2-9
All museums in Paris are free on the first Sunday of the month.  So, on January 2, I attempted to go to the Louvre.  HahahaHA.  It was at least a 4 hour wait to get in.  Ummmm...nonmerci.  So, I ended up at the Pompidou Center (modern art musée) instead.  It was nice.  There's a really cool observation deck at the top.  
Pompidou Center
Me under a Pompidou Sky
Modern Art 1
Modern Art 2
I started my French lessons on January 4.  (See "Schooled" Blog.)  I tested into what is called the "false beginner" class.  That basically means that I have had some working knowledge of the French language (high school!) that I have mostly forgotten.  However, there was no more space in the false beginner class, so I was placed in the "debutante" class.  It has been an interesting ride...there are students who came in not knowing one word of French.  Joëlle has maintained the level of excellence that I saw in the beginning.  I really like her.  I hope she moves on with us come next semester.

So, yes, in the end, the class was indeed "too easy" for me.  I feel so cocky saying that, but it's the truth.  I'm looking forward to the next trimester (March 28-June 18), as it should be more challenging.  It's been good for me to go back to the basics though, and it has laid a good foundation for me for the rest of my French studies with France Langue.  

The evening of January 4 also marked a significant new activity in my Parisian life.  I started to sing with the St. Joseph's adult choir.  St. Joseph's is an English speaking Catholic church here.  St. Joseph's Website  The people (all women) in the choir are so welcoming, supportive and lovely, and I have also begun cantoring with the church as well.  It's been an important addition to my life here.

January 9 brought about my first falafel experience.  Oh my.  How have I missed out on this for 29 years?!  My gal-pal, Lexi, introduced me to this delightful sandwich, and I'm crazily grateful.  
Scrumptious Falafel
January 10-16
January 14 was a beautifully sunny winter day.  Took a promenade around the Trocadero... just near the Eiffel Tower.  
The Trocadero
I had dinner at Da Pietro Italian restaurant on January 15.  It is in St. Germain des Pres.  I got hit on/flirted with by the cute Italian waiter who told me I'm "welcome to come back anytime."  Ha.  The sky and moon were super amazing that night as the sun set.  
Amazing sky on Jan. 15
Awesome "dinner" of French onion soup at "The Rotonde" and saw the British film "Another Year" afterward.  
La Rotonde (if you couldn't tell)
January 17-23
On January 18, I I was "interviewed" by one of the girls I watch.  It was pretty cute.  (Video to come....if I can get it edited sometime this century!)

I had an interview for a part-time teaching job on the 19th.  Instead of interviewing, I  jumped in and taught a lesson, as they were down a teacher!  I was offered the job, but subsequently had to turn it's a long story.  The short version is that they wanted me to be an independent contractor, and that has the potential to conflict with my visa.
Just outside the language school
(Near Place des Vosges)
The girls' maternal grandfather came for dinner on the 20th.  Laure asked me to cook.  :)  I made an amazingly amazing dinner on January 20.  We had steak, salad, and homemade macaroni and cheese.  (It was all unreally good). Mac and Cheese Recipe

My school planned a day trip to Rouen that I participated in on Saturday, January 22.  I am SO GLAD I went.  It was a great experience.  Rouen is in northern France, in the Normandy region.  It is a medieval city in which Joan of Arc was burned at the stake in 1431.  We started at the Musée des Beaux Arts de Rouen and looked specifically at the museum's impressive impressionist collection.

Our group!

Amazing Joan of Arc painting
Marcel Duchamp

From there, we went to the site where Joan of Arc (Jeanne d'Arc) was burned at the stake.

Medieval buildings in Joan of Arc square
Then we visited the famous Rouen Cathedral before lunch.  Monet painted this cathedral about 30 times.  He would set up canvases and paint thoughout the day to study the effect that the sunlight had on the cathedral (he did this a lot--with landscapes, etc.) throughout his career.  

Monet: Rouen Cathedral

After lunch, we got back on the bus and went to the Martinville Chateau (Castle) from the 15th century.  For more photos, visit Martianville Castle Album

On January 23, my friend Patrice had friends in from Lyon.  We had brunch and then walked around.  We were going to visit the Panthéon, but in the end, we decided not to go in.  

We did go into Saint Etienne du Mont Church, where St. Genevieve is buried.  

St. Genevieve's Tomb
Amazing sculpture
Beautiful staircase in the center of the church
January 24-31
I had the great pleasure to go to an amazing museum on January 24.  It is my favorite musée in all of Paris (so far).  Musée Jaquemart-André.

Took some random pictures of my class on January 25.  (Happy Birthday Hondo!)

"Lunched" on hot chocolate amazingness at Angelina on January 28.  A lifechanging experience.  So incredible.

From January 29-February 1, I went to Frankfurt, Germany.  Frankfurt Album

....I'll get up to date eventually....